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Burrito Recipe


1 cup
dry blkbeans, soaked overnight and rinsed
piece of kombu(optional, but cuts down on the gasiness of the beans)
3 cup
onions, chopped
garlic cloves, minced
jalepeno pepper, choppedor tabasco sauce to taste
1 T
olive oil
1 T
soy sauce
1 T
balsamic vinegar
My secret to good burritos is starting out with yummy black beans, the canned one just don't cut it.
After you have good beans, whatever you put in the burrito will taste delicious.


Put beans, kombu and water in a pot and bring to a boil.
Turn down the heat to low, cover pot tightly and simmer for an hour.
If there's too much liquid in the beans after an hour, remove cover and simmer for a few minutes until they are the consistency you want.
Remove the kombu and toss it.
In the meantime, saute the onions, garlic and pepper (or tabasco sauce) in olive oil until the onions are soft.
Stir the balsamic vinegar into the veggies and add this mixture to the cooked beans along with the soy sauce.
Cook this for about 10 minutes on low heat. Now the beans are ready to be stuffed into the perfect burrito.

I like to make simple white rice, saute some mushrooms, red peppers and thick onion slices to put into the burrito shell along with the beans.

Recipe group: Main.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2020-06-02 14:00:52

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