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Every year, 350 tonnes of fur are imported into Switzerland, which corresponds to the slaughter of around 1.5 million animals.

Where does fur come from?

There are two forms of fur production: the majority - 85 percent - are farmed, while the remaining 15 percent come from animals captured in the wild.


In 2010 more than 50 million fur animals were produced for furry farms. The main production countries for fur farming are China, Denmark, Russia, Finland, USA, Holland, Norway and Poland1. Farm animal fur is produced worldwide under standardized conditions. This industrial cageing of wild animals is extremely animal-tormenting. The fancier breeders call themselves "furry farmers" and try to convey the image of a farm. The animal torture of wild animals, which naturally avoid humans, can in no way be compared with the keeping of so-called "farm animals" on a farm.


Although these animals have lived in freedom, their dying in a trap is all the more agonizing. Millions of animals are caught annually or in snares. The animals do not die immediately, often they have to stay for days before they are "redeemed". They are usually beaten to death in order not to damage the valuable fur through shotholes. In the USA and the CIS states it is still usual with the so-called "snares". This method is forbidden in Europe. In the desperate attempts to free themselves, the animals not infrequently bite the pinched paw, of course they have hardly survival with such serious injuries. Up to 75% of the trapped animals are so-called "wrong catches", they are not used in fur production and are disposed of - including many pets.

Animal welfare

In Switzerland, the industrial caging of fur animals is not prohibited, but due to the high demands and requirements for a (more natural) attitude, economically uninteresting. Abroad there are only recommendations (EU) or so-called standards for the keeping of fur animals. In China, the attitude of fur animals is not regulated by law. The animals live in narrow, filthy wire cages on lattice floors. Individuals are held together in groups in a confined space. Hurt animals are not treated. And often the animals are fed with kadaverbrei from their kind and suffering companions. To prevent damage to the fur they are often skinned alive, gassed, hanged or killed with clamps in the mouth and anus by electric shock. Fur is also not a waste product of the meat industry. Rabbits, for example, are specially bred for fur production because the fur of rabbits that are eaten is unsuitable for fur processing due to its structure.


After an animal has been killed, the skin is treated with toxic chemicals such as sulfuric acid, ammonium chloride or lead acetates to prevent decomposition or mold. The production of a coat from animals of furry farms requires 20 times more energy than the production of a synthetic fur. Overall, the transport of feed on farms, waste recycling, electricity for buildings and kettles, the use of pesticides, vaccines and antibiotics, and the removal of carcasses into the deficient environmental balance of real fur.

According to a study by the independent Dutch research and development institute CE Delft, a real fur coat also has a much poorer environmental performance than a comparable artificial fur coat. For example, approximately 300 kg of CO2 are released from the breeding of the animals until their fur is processed - up to the finished artificial fur coat it is about 50 kg of CO2 2.


The so-called Fake Fur looks deceptively genuine, but is made synthetically or from cotton.

How to distinguish Fake Fur from real fur:

  • Price: Today the price is often no longer an indication. Well made web fur is expensive - especially with designer parts. There are a few discernible differences:
  • Pusten: Pushing over the fur lightly, the thick covering hair lies aside with real fur. Usually, slightly curled and fine underwear can be seen. Synthetic hair is more rigid and immobile, often cut in the same way, and is somewhat tacky by static electricity.
  • Pull out: Genuine fur is processed together with the animal skin. When the hair is pulled out at the neck leather, it is a genuine animal fur. In the case of artificial fur, however, a woven textile layer can be seen.
  • Igniting: Individual hair can be pulled out and ignited from already purchased goods. Genuine fur hair burns just like human hair with horny smell, while artificial hair as plastic melts and smells so lump.

Fur declaration

In the case of real fur, according to the EU Textile Labeling Ordinance, a label in the clothing should contain the words "Contains non-textile parts of animal origin". This note also applies to all products that are decorated with leather patches or horn buttons or down. It is therefore very difficult for the consumer to make a clear determination of the material on the garment. Scandalous is also that parkas or caps with real fur are often wrongly or not at all declared.

Furs and fur products sold in Switzerland must be labelled clearly and legibly so that consumers are sufficiently informed before making their choice. A fur declaration is correct and complete if it states "real fur" as well as the animal species, its Latin name, the country of origin and the method of production (hunting and breeding). This information must be clearly visible on the product and easily legible in at least one official language. Since the Ordinance on the Declaration of Furs and Fur Products came into force in 2013, all market participants who offer furs and fur products for sale in Switzerland must provide this information. However, the ordinance does not apply to imports, but only to trade in Switzerland, including in second-hand boutiques 3. However, these identification labels are often incomplete or incorrect. Some articles are completely lacking in labelling. This is shown by the annual inspections carried out by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office.