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Meet Our Team

The Swissveg core team introduces itself. These are the people who work at Swissveg or support Swissveg as members of the honorary board. In addition, there are countless volunteers who support us for instance at events. Many thanks for that!
Renato Pichler
President and Managing Director

Renato is one of Swissveg's founding members. He has been working full-time for the organisation since 1993. Renato maintains international cooperations and coordinates the V-label internationally. Having accumulated extensive knowledge on all things related to veganism over the years, Renato is an expert on issues of plantbased nutrition and acts as a speaker at various events. He also used his knowledge to write the book Veganize your Life!, which was published in 2015. Further, Renato is a board member of the European Vegetarian Union (EVU) and of the foundation Das TIER + WIR, as well as a managing member of the association ProVeg Germany.

You can find an interview with Renato in the Tages-Anzeiger here and further information on him here.

Marco Eberhard
Vice President, Board Member

Marco is vice president and predominantly advocates for further popularizing the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle in Romandie.

Andrea Hilfiker
Board Member

Andrea has been a Swissveg board member since 2020.

Beat Probst
Treasurer, Board Member

Beat is our treasurer and has been a board member since 2021.

Karin Pichler
Administration and Member Services

Karin manages administrative matters around Swissveg members, patrons and magazine subscribers. She is also responsible for mailing and address management.

Marcel Bohnet
V-Label and Accounting

Marcel is responsible for accounting and personnel administration at Swissveg and the international V-Label.

Beatrice Stahel
V-Label Licensing

Bea is in charge of national and international V-label applications.

Martin Schaffner
IT / Web Developer

Martin manages the Swissveg websites and other IT projects.

Evelyne Campana
French Translations

Evelyne assists with all translation into French.

Katherina Schäffner
Editor Veg-Info

Katherina leads the editorial team of our magazine Veg-Info and takes care of the Swissveg app as well as the creation of new advertising and information material.

Levina Grogg
Deputy Head of V-Label Switzerland

Levina is responsible for national and international V-label applications.

Christine Kammerecker
Marketing- and Social Media Management

Christine is responsible for marketing, social media and campaigns.

Amandine Chatellard
Translations / Romandie

Amandine oversees Swissveg's French language information material both online and offline, and is the contact person for Swissveg Romandie.

Damaris Bölsterli
Marketing- and Eventmanagement

Damaris is responsible for marketing, events and SEO.

Lubo Yotov
Head of V-Label Switzerland

Lubo leads the V-Label-Team and is responsible for V-Label projects at the national and international level.

Despina Emmanouilidou
V-Label Licensing

Despina is in charge of national and international V-Label applications

Sarah Dubs
Scientific editorial manager

Sarah is responsible for researching and writing reports.