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Sorbet of Oranges


250 g
superfine sugar
1/4 tsp
450 ml
orange juice
350 g
flesh of oranges


Place sugar, cinnamon and orange juice in saucepan.
Stir over at low heat, until the sugar has dissolved.
Bring to the boil and boil for 2 – 3 minutes.
Set aside to cool.
Blend the orange flesh in a liquidizer until smooth.
Stir the sauce into the syrup.
Pour the mixture into a container suitable for the freezer.
Freeze until set, stirring occasionally.
Serve scoops of the sorbet with fresh fruit (grapes, bananas, melon...).

The folling kitchen utensils are required: libra.
Recipe group: Dessert.

This recipe was inserted by Peter Beck / 2002-12-01 13:15:56

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