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"Arabic pizza"


4 cups
1 tsp
dry yeast
2 tbs
vegetable oil
1 tsp
1 tsp
This is a vegetarian version of Lahma wa ajeen, small pizzas the size of saucers.
It takes a bit of time but is worth the bother!


Put yeast and sugar in 1/2 cup warm water and leave for 20 minutes.
Mix flour and salt, form a well and add yeast liquid and oil.
Mix by hand.
Knead, adding small quantities of warm water, until the dough is soft and smooth.
Let rise in a warm room for 2 hours.

  • 250-500 grams/ 1/2-1 lb vegetarian mince

  • 4 ripe peeled tomatoes (or use canned)

  • 6 cloves of garlic, crushed

  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley

  • salt, pepper, cayenne pepper

Mix mince, tomatoes, parsley, garlic, sumac and salt & pepper to taste, and cayenne pepper (be generous) together.
Knead dough again and divide into egg size balls (about 20).
Pat each ball into a flat patties about 6" diameter.
Spread mix on each one (not edges), place on a greased tray and cook in a 400F/200 c hot oven for 15 minutes at most (watch it!)

Recipe group: Lunch.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe from Cecilia Moen - was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2002-04-30 22:26:32

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