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Ares Bar (Vegan Mars Bars)


2/3 cup
3 oz
Soya Marg.(Co-Op or wholefood shop)
8 oz
2 tsp
vanilla essence
2 oz
Wheatgerm, preferablyground in spice grinder.
4 oz
dried SoyaMilk
From Nott Fin #6 . 2nd March 1998; Published at the Rainbow Centre in Nottingham. Recipe by Veggies Catering Campaign member, Steve. Available as a rare treat from Veggies Catering Campaign at Animal Rights Demos and other events.

Rather than encourage a large and possible unethical sweet manufacturer (remember the dental re on monkies sponsored by Mars?), we suggest that people should be encouraged to do it themselves by circulating the recipe far and wide. No copyright, but credit to 'Steve @ Veggies, Nottingham' would be nice. Further suggestions & comment welcomed. (eg it's not neccessarily fully ethical yet, but is instead cheap & cheerful for vegan junk fooders!)

The Hard Way:



Put the milk, marge and sugar into a thick saucepan and heat, without stirring, on a low heat until it bubbles all over. Keep at this heat for 2 min (if you have a sugar thermometer, it should be 2350 F./112.80 C.) Cool.

Add the vanilla essence and the wheatgerm. Add the dried soya milk and beat till creamy. Pour into a tray roughly the size of 12 mars bars and freeze for an hour.


  • 4 oz. Sugar

  • 4 oz. Soya Marge (Again, Co-Op is best.)

  • 150 ml Soya cream

  • 1 tbsp Golden Syrup

Put everything in a thick bottomed saucepan and heat on a low heat till it bubbles all over. Keep at this temperature for 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the toffee over the nougat and freeze for another hour. Cut into mars bar size pieces and re-freeze until the toffee is solid (this can take a couple of days.) Melt 400 g of vegan chocolate in a microwave if you have one (3 minutes full power for 100g) or place into a bowl above a saucepan of boiling water till melted. Coat the bars with chocolate and place onto a greased tray. Re-freeze.

The Easy Way:

Buy one from Veggies at the Rainbow Centre or at many good demos!

Recipe group: Lunch.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe from veggies - was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2002-04-30 22:27:37

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