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Aloo Achar (potato salad)


medium size waxyboiling potatoes
4 tbs
ground roasted sesame seeds
3-4 tbs
lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
1 tsp
or more hotgreen chiles, finely minced (*)
4 tbs
sesame oil
2 tsp
vegetable oil
pinch ground Asafoetida (**)
to 10 whole fenugreekseeds (**)
3 tbs
cilantro (Chineseparsley) minced


(*) Use as many chiles, like jalapenos, as you can stand. If you can't tolerate hot, spicy food, 2 or 3 Tbs. green bell pepper can be substituted. (**)
Look for these in an Indian or Middle-Eastern grocery

Boil the potatoes in a big pot.
Meanwhile, combine the chiles (or green pepper), salt, lemon juice and ground roasted sesame seeds in a non-metallic bowl.
(By the way, roasted sesame seeds can be found as "iri goma" in Oriental markets.
I don't know if you can get them already ground up.)
Add the sesame oil just a little at a time and mix in with a wire whisk.

Using a metal ladle or a small butter warmer, heat the vegetable oil by holding it over heat.
When quite hot, add the asafoetida powder and fenugreek seeds.
The fenugreek seeds will start to darken in the hot oil in just a few seconds... when this happens dump it all into the bowl.
Mix well, then add the cilantro (Chinese parsley) and mix some more.
Check your seasonings.

When the potatoes are done, drain and peel while hot (holding with a fork if you need to.)
The peel should slide right off.
Cut into 3/4" dice and add to the bowl of dressing.
Gently mix to coat all the cubes and finally adjust your seasonings if needed.
Let cool, cover and refrigerate. You can eat this after a couple of hours, either cold or room temperature.
However, it's supposed to be much better the next day.

It keeps for up to 4 days refrigerated. Inspired by Madhur Jaffrey's "World of the East Vegetarian Cooking."

Recipe group: Salad.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2002-04-30 22:27:12

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