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Alu Methi


medium sized potatoes
green chillies
piece ginger minced
medium onion, finely chopped
1/2 tsp
turmeric powder
1/2 tsp
cumin seeds
large tomato finelychopped
1 cup
fenugreek leaveswashed and finely chopped
Salt to taste
Own recipe, serves 4-5 as a side dish, cooks in 15 mins. Excluding boiling potatoes.


1. Boil potatoes in their jackets until cooked, cool, peel skin and dice into pieces.

2. Heat oil in a wok or pan, fry cumin till they sizzle then add onion fry till soft and transparent, then add chillies, ginger, chopped tomato tumeric, fry until pulpy for 5-7 mins.

3. Add fenugreek and potatoes, fry for 5 mins till it wilts and combined, add salt to taste.

4. Serve with any Indian bread.

Find Fenugreek in Indian or Chinese grocery stores, or use spinach instead.

Recipe group: Main.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe from Mira Oneil - - Pittsburgh, PA, USA was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2002-04-30 22:27:11

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