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Alu Piajer Chorchori (dry curried potato and onion)


medium sized potatoes,cut in half lengthwise and the sliced into 1/8" pcs. crosswise.
onions cut inhalf lengthwise and then sliced thicker than normal.
2 tsp
turmeric paste
1/2 tsp
chili paste.
green chilies washedand slit.
salt to taste.
2 tbs
1/2 cup
water oras required.
( to serve 4-6 )


Heat oil.
When a blue haze appears, add potatoes and fry for several minutes until potatoes turn opaque.
Reduce heat, add onions and continue to fry, stirring now and then for a couple of minutes more.

Add the turmeric, chili paste and salt to taste, mixing thoroughly and keep frying.
Add green chilies.

The potatoes and onions should cook as much as possible in their own juices, but if the curry gets too dry, test to see how much cooking the potatoes need and accordingly add water a little at a time.

The cooked dish is dry and therefore adding of water should be judicious.
The curry is done when the potatoes are cooked and there is practically no gravy.

This curry can be reheated before serving, and is a good accompaniment with rice, luchis, or porota.

Recipe group: Main.
Should you try this recipe out we would be very grateful for a photo of the finished dish. Please send by E-Mail to rezepte(at) (JPEG or TIFF format).
Thank you in advance.

This recipe was inserted by Renato Pichler / 2002-04-30 22:27:11

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